Warung Nakus Culinary in Batam

Warung Nakus Culinary in Batam

Not always Cheap culinary is cheap quality . Because, the price may be competitive, but the taste cannot be lacking.

Like the Batam culinary concept Warung Nakus. Warung Nakus, which is located in Ruko Greenland block R number 7, Batam City, offers cheap but quality food.

“For only $1.03 SGD to $1.29 SGD, customers are guaranteed to be full,” said the owner of Warung Nakus, Hastan when met at the Grand Opening agenda recently.

He said, Batam culinary Warung Nakus serves typical Javanese food but adapted to the tastes of Batam residents.

Slightly spicy and just right on the customers’ tongues, this stall’s mainstay menu is fried chicken, curry chicken, omelettes and round eggs.

Apart from being cheap, the concept of Warung Nakus is similar to warteg or angkringan in well-known areas.

“Nakus means packaged rice. The concept is to sell at low prices and simplify operations,” added Hastan.

For operational hours, Warung Nakus is open from 10.00 WIB to 15.00 WIB.

As the owner, Hastan admitted that Warung Nakus was his new idea after successfully establishing 3 (three) Pak Toyo Klaten Chicken Sop outlets in Batam City.

The three are located in Batuaji, Tiban Center, and Greenland, right next to Warung Nakus.

“We started the chicken soup outlet for 4 years and the prices have not changed, they are still cheap. We want to open more food outlets with low prices,” he said again.

He revealed that from the start, his food business aimed to make it easier for culinary lovers to find food at low prices.

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So, cheap food can be a solution.

“The taste of the food here (Warung Nakus) is delicious. The side dishes are tasty and delicious on the tongue,” said one customer named Agung to letsgobatam.com.






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