Typical Kampar Fish Kuabu which is legendary delicious
In Kampar Regency, Riau Province, there are traditional culinary preparations that are no less delicious than expensive restaurant menus.
Yes, the main ingredient in snakehead fish is called Kuabu Ikan. Interestingly, snakehead fish will be grilled until cooked, and sprinkled with special spices.
There is a mixture of coconut milk, red chilies, shallots, salt to taste and lime juice in this Kuabu Ikan siram sauce, you know. Can you imagine the deliciousness that comes to your mouth?
Until now, Kuabu Ikan can still be found in several restaurants in Kampar Riau, as one of Riau’s typical dishes whose recipes have been preserved from generation to generation.
Apart from the unique cooking method, fish is obtained from fishermen who catch it in the wild. “It’s rare for people to keep this fish because if it’s farmed for one year and eight months, the fastest it can be harvested.
This is different from tilapia, which can be harvested in six months,” he continued. Fish is served with rice accompanied by fresh vegetables, bamboo shoots, and jangek curry or beef skin as well as many choices of complementary chili sauce.
Darlis said that grilled kapiek fish, which has a sweet and fresh taste, is quite popular. In a day, he can sell 100 to 150 heads from 10.30-15.00 WIB.
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