Trip to Bangka Belitung Beach

Trip to Bangka Belitung Beach

Beach has a very wide stretch of white sand. The shoreline is covered with many pine trees, which makes this beach very cool even when visited during the day.

The beach water is clear, making every visitor want to bathe on this beautiful beach.

Lintas Timur Bangka Beach

In the east, Sungailiat District to Merawang District, you can find a number of beaches which are also busy with visitors, including Rebo Beach, Takari Beach, Temberan Beach, Airanyir Beach and others. This beach stretches along the eastern causeway between Sungailiat-Pangkalpinang.

Central-South Bangka Beach

This beach stretches along Jalan Raya Pangkalpinang-Toboali, including Penyak Beach, Terentang Beach, Guntung Beach, Arungdalam Koba Beach, to Tanjug Kerasak Pasirputih Beach and Sadai Toboali.

Tanjungpendam Beach Belitung

Tanjungpendam Beach is a beach located in the city center, namely on Jl Kemuning, Parit Village, Tanjungpandan, Belitung. This beach on Belitung Island also offers charming charm.

Because it is in the city center, of course access to Tanjungpendam Beach is very good and very popular as a tourist spot.

This beach has been facilitated with a large and comfortable parking area, recreation park, entertainment stage, restaurant, art market, sports arena, shelter and other facilities.

You can do various activities at Tanjung Pendam Beach, such as enjoying the beach breeze, taking a leisurely walk around the area around the beach, and seeing painting and handicraft galleries which can be a very enjoyable alternative.

Tired of walking around, you can choose a row of restaurants selling typical Belitung dishes, such as gangan and various other seafood menus.

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