Treasure Bay Bintan, a seaside tourist paradise

Treasure Bay Bintan, a seaside tourist paradise

If you are looking for a holiday destination that offers luxury and excitement, Treasure Bay Bintan could be the right choice. Treasure Bay Bintan is a 338 hectare waterfront Resort-City located on Bintan Island, Indonesia. Even more than just a resort complex, Treasure Bay offers a variety of luxury tourist destinations that combine health services, entertainment, culture, property and other facilities.

No wonder, this place is a resort area that will give you the most memorable holiday experience.

What can you enjoy at Treasure Bay Bintan?

Treasure Bay Bintan has many attractions and activities that you can enjoy, both on land and in the water.

Here are some of them:

– Crystal Lagoon, the largest saltwater swimming pool in Southeast Asia with an area of ​​6.3 hectares and a depth of 2.5 meters. Here, you can swim, water slide, dive, play banana boat, jet ski, kayak, and much more.

– The Canopi, a glamping resort that offers the experience of staying in a luxury tent with complete facilities, such as AC, TV, bathroom and balcony. These tents are located on the edge of the Crystal Lagoon, so you can enjoy the beautiful views and calm natural atmosphere.

– Chill Cove, an entertainment center that provides various rides, such as the adventure mangrove night tour, amphibious vehicle, ATV off road trail, classic car ride ice cream, and wishing sky lantern. You can also watch cultural, music and dance performances here.

– The Anmon Resort Bintan, a four-star resort that offers a modern glamping concept with a desert design. Each room has facilities such as air conditioning, TV, bathroom and smart home system. You can also enjoy facilities such as restaurants, bars, spas, gyms and swimming pools here. – Natrabu Minang Restaurant, a restaurant that serves typical Minangkabau dishes, such as rendang, sate Padang, curry and sambalado. You can enjoy this delicious dish while enjoying the view of the Crystal Lagoon and the Minang dance performance.

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How to get to Treasure Bay Bintan?

To get to Treasure Bay Bintan, you can choose to use a boat from Telaga Punggur Ferry Harbor, take a ferry to Bandar Bentan Telani Ferry Harbor. Once there, you can take a motorbike taxi or walk 1 km to Treasure Bay Bintan. Travel time is about 1 hour.

Tips for those of you who want to visit Treasure Bay Bintan

Before you visit Treasure Bay Bintan, there are several tips you can pay attention to, including: – Book tickets and accommodation in advance.

To save costs and avoid running out of space, you should book tickets and accommodation in advance. You can take advantage of the attractive promos offered by Treasure Bay Bintan, such as accommodation packages, tours and amusement rides.

– Bring appropriate equipment. Don’t forget to bring equipment that suits the activities you are planning, such as swimwear, sunblock, hats, glasses, shoes, etc. If you want to stay in a tent, also bring a sleeping bag, flashlight and medicine.

– Follow the rules and instructions. For the safety and comfort of you and other visitors, follow the rules and instructions provided by Treasure Bay Bintan. Maintain a clean and orderly environment, do not damage facilities, and respect local culture.


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