Tourist Destinations in Tanjappinang Kepri 2024
For you who want to travel on Tanjunpinang, there is one destination within 10 minutes of the Port of Sri Bintan Pura.
It is Your boat which has dozens of huts made of wood-covered straw that are neatly arranged to the beach.
Yes, beach on Tanjunpinang this is a favorite tourist destination.
Especially for residents who live on Bintan Island (Tanjippinang-Bintan Regency) on holidays.
If you want to travel Your boat, from the Port of Sri Bintan Pura (SBP) Tanjunpinang, then you have to move towards the Dompak area, more or less a 10 minute trip.
In addition to its beautiful scenery, clean and shallow water can be a visitor’s means to bathe.
Visitors can also enjoy the beauty of the beach by relaxing in the seat of the used white car tire material that has been provided.
The rental price of the cottage is subject to a $4,27 SGD rate. Special holidays and red dates.
“If working days can, we wear $3,42 SGD only, ” call Jumahat beach manager.
In fact, this beach is also open into the night
Visitors can spend the night on the beach as you rent a cottage $8,55 SGD per cottage.
You can also enjoy a variety of foods and drinks that the peddlers on this beach are offering, including various seafood that make the tongue sway.
Your Setu Beach is not just an ordinary beach, but has a deep meaning.This beach manager, Jumahat revealed if the meaning of the word Setumu from the Malay language, Meet.
Before being transformed into a beautiful tourist destination, it is said to be news, Your boat this is where pirates meet
They met on the beach after looting ships that crossed the Dompak waters.
Not only that, pirates, even making this beach a place to share loot.
“ The results of the booty or stolen of the pirates used to be. Here is for him, ” call the 43-year-old man.
Merchant ships from China crossed the waters the most.
In addition, there are large square-sized stone piles on the left coast. That is the building of the clergy in ancient times or the kingdom.
Now the rocks, become a photo location or sit around the visitors who come.
That’s the naming of Your Own Beach and the phlegm story that was made a gathering place for pirates.
Safe Tours in Kepri
Governor Kepri, Ansar Ahmad made sure if Riau Islands Province, to date in safe, controlled, conducive conditions.
Kepri, he mentioned, remains a comfortable tourist spot for tourists, both domestic tourists and foreign tourists (wisman).
He said, to the whole community, the most famous tourist connoisseurs and travelers so as not to hesitate to keep on touring Kepri.
Good to Batam, Bintan, Tanjunpinang and other areas in Kepri.
“ We will prioritize the safety of tourists, of course, both local and citizen, ” he said.
Head of Service Kepri Tourism, Thunder Sakti said that the target of Wisman’s visit was at Kepri has been reached.
Because, cumulatively, the number of wisman visits to Kepri throughout the January-October 2023 period it had reached 1.2 million people.
The visit rate of 1.2 million, targeted the wisman visit to Kepri in 2023 this was fulfilled.
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