Three Most Popular Tourist Destinations in Bintan

Three Most Popular Tourist Destinations in Bintan

Bintan is one of the most popular districts in the Riau Islands, even though its area is only around 60 km².

However, the natural beauty of this island is very exotic and popular . You can not only experience the luxury of expensive resorts on this island.

And you will get various views like abroad, easily. Exploring places with the most enchanting natural beauty in Bintan Regency does have its own challenges.

Reporting from the TUN TE TWAN YouTube Channel, here are the three most popular tourist attractions in Bintan Regency , namely:

1. Aroma River Spa

This spa place is very beautiful and pampering, not only because it is located near a mangrove forest. However, the service provided was also extraordinary.

You can spend time in a natural spa with expert therapists, apart from that you can also enjoy other facilities such as going down the river by rowing boat.

As well as lots of interesting photo spots with the theme of care and beauty. Apart from getting good photos , when you come home from here, of course your skin will be healthier.

2. Crystal Lagoon

Visiting beaches with clear water has become a common thing , considering that until now the beach is still an attractive tourist destination at , Crystal Lagoon you can actually get views like the ocean.

But not only is it the first artificial sea, Crystal Lagoon is also the most beautiful artificial sea in Southeast Asia. It also has an artificial seawater lagoon which offers a charming panorama.

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The water presented has a bluish gradation, and is also equipped with soft white sand. Still a popular tourist destination you , don’t need to worry when it comes to the holiday season, because this artificial beach has an area of ​​around 6.3 hectares.

So that it can accommodate many people without reducing comfort, when visiting this popular destination, you can do various interesting activities .

Water sports ranging from Canoe flip and others are available in the pool area. To get around the large area , you can rent an electric scooter. A holiday in this place is guaranteed not to disappoint you.

3. White Sakera Island

The beautiful beaches in Bintan are indeed very famous, it’s just that some are managed exclusively, so they are closed to general tourists, and Sakera Beach is a beautiful beach that can be enjoyed by all groups.

beauty Its other beaches in Bintan . is no less than attraction is considered famous, especially during the holiday season, visitors will be tempted. tourist This marine

white sand Stretching clear sea water with very , makes the attraction of Sakera beach very shameful if ignored. The water even appears to have shades of turquoise, which shimmer when hit by sunlight.

Visitors can do various activities on the beach, considering that the coastline is relatively long, you can play in the water or swim on the edge of the beach.

The waves are considered safe, however, visitors still have to be careful, especially if they bring small children. For those of you who want to play beach volleyball, futsal or outbound.

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It can also be done, the various complementary facilities are present adequately and some are also free of charge. The condition of the beach , which is so clean and well maintained, also adds to the long list of comfort for visitors.

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