The story of Nasril, a young-spirited shoe craftsman

The story of Nasril, a young-spirited shoe craftsman

In the midst of the rapid development of industry and technology in Batam City, there is an inspiring story of a young-hearted shoe craftsman who has survived since 1998.

Mr. Nasril (67), with passion and dedication that never fades, has managed a shoe sole and sandal service for more than two decades.

With simple clothes and a face that indicates life experience, Nasril tells the story of the beginning of his business journey.

“Before starting my business, I worked in a shoe manufacturing factory, but it didn’t go well because it was still during the monetary crisis,” said Nasril.

From that experience, Nasril was inspired to develop his own skills. “I opened my own business with the skills I have, namely shoe soles or sandals,” said Nasril. The business is open every day from 08.00 am to 16.00 pm, except Sundays.

The price of the service offered depends on the level of damage to the shoes or sandals, with a price range of around $2,12 SGD. However, Nasril’s business journey was not always smooth.

“There are often no customers and there is also the problem of people losing their shoes which I have to cover,” said Nasril.

However, the turnover of around $8,50 SGD per day that Nasril earns is apparently enough to meet his family’s living needs and send his seven children to school to success.

Nasril’s story is not only an inspiration for entrepreneurs, but also for anyone who wants to learn about the importance of passion, dedication and courage in pursuing dreams, no matter how old we are.

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