The Mystical Story of the Ambung Gila Game in Lingga Kepri

The Mystical Story of the Ambung Gila Game in Lingga Kepri

The traditional game “Ambung Gile” or “Ambung Gila” has been designated as an Intangible Cultural Heritage (WBTB) by the Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Diplomacy, Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) in 2019.

Ambung Gile is a traditional game from Lingga Regency , Riau Islands (Kepri).

In addition to being known as Ambung Gile , the community also knows this game as “Dang Lukah” or “Ambung Dance”.

This game is interesting because there is something magical in it.

Who can play Ambung Gila ?

Quoting the official website of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, , the Ambung Gilo game is played by adult men.

Usually, there are 2 – 3 adult men who play this game.

Don’t forget, there are shamans or bomo who will participate in the Ambung Gilo game. Bomo will lead the Ambung Gila game .

The traditional game Ambung Gila cannot be played by just anyone. Apart from that, not everyone is capable of becoming a bomo or shaman.

It takes confidence, courage and mental strength if you want to play Ambung Gila .

Players have to face the possibility of supernatural things that might happen when the game is played.
Tools needed to play Ambung Gila

The tools needed to play the traditional game Ambung Gila include:

Ambung / lukah (large basket made of woven rattan)
Incense / frankincense / incense
Copper or aluminum tray

How to play Ambung Gila

To play Ambung Gilo, the player will hold the ambung, then the shaman or bomo will circle the player 3 times while reciting prayers and mantras.

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Mantra recitation is done silently. Bomo will recite mantras and prayers silently. Bomo’s voice will not be heard by anyone else.

The mantra is recited by the bomo with the aim of summoning spirits to enter the ambung.

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