The Mystery of the Bedung People and the Mystical Story of Mount Ranai Natuna

The Mystery of the Bedung People and the Mystical Story of Mount Ranai Natuna

In the Natuna Islands , Riau Islands (Kepri), there is a mystical story that some residents still recognize today. The story comes from the beautiful Mount Ranai on Natuna Island.

This truly revered old legend, resides on its slopes. It is said that on Mount Ranai there is truly mystical supernatural life.

In ancient times, there was a village community that lived around Mount Ranai. At that time they were threatened by a pirate attack, which was really violent.

Some communities that do not want bloodshed, pray to God for peace.

Long story short, their prayers were answered. However, they had to pay a heavy price, as they were doomed, turning into spirits that could not be seen. Some pirates too, failed to find them.

Until now, the community that was protected by God, is acknowledged to still be living around the mountain. They grew like normal humans, making cities and armies. Their call is Orang Bedung.

This legend still exists in the lives of the Natuna people. The Bedung people live among real humans, but they are strange and difficult to recognize. At crowded events, they can sit next to people without being seen.

It is said that if Natuna people are in trouble, they also like to help, including providing protection from other people’s crimes.

In the past, many people could communicate with them. When residents have a wedding celebration, through the caretaker, Natuna residents can borrow equipment for wedding purposes such as plates, glasses and so on.

According to the Ranai people, supernatural life is the same as humans. But at first glance they are greater than humans.

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The story goes that once there was a person who bought a large number of trucks from a dealer in Kalimantan. Because there were so many of them, the cars were transported using barges.

Only one month later, there were Ranai residents who also bought at the same place.

Then, the car dealer owner explained that there were Natuna people who were really rich, because they could afford to buy a whole barge of cars.

People also assume that it is Bedung people who buy that many cars, because there is no sign of ordinary people buying them.

Sometimes, this is beyond common sense. It’s a different story about cars, it’s also a different story about former Commander General Sutanto’s visit to Natuna, to see the DCA military training ground. There is one strange incident whose truth is acknowledged.

From aerial observations using a plane, the group saw that Natuna’s nature was filled with houses of Natuna residents.

But what was really surprising, when he arrived at Ranai Airfield, several commander-in-chief officials were evaluating the DCA military training site. In fact, they saw coconut trees, without any residents’ houses in that location.

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