The graves of Seraga's ancestors and Friday legends become stones in Kandis Village

The graves of Seraga’s ancestors and Friday legends become stones in Kandis Village

The Moyang Seraga Tomb, located in Kandis Village, Buru Island, Karimun Regency, is one of the tomb sites in Buru District which is categorized as a Cultural Heritage in the Riau Islands (Kepri).

Like the Badang Tomb, this tomb is full of stories. As contained in the ‘Hikayat Rakyat Karimun Regency’.

Local residents believe that this grave is the grave of a fisherman named Friday.

It is said that in ancient times, there was a husband and wife who always lived in harmony. The husband’s name is Friday and the wife’s name is Timah.

The two of them had been married for many years, but it was only after their fifth year of marriage that the wife became pregnant.

When he was pregnant, his wife really wanted to eat white deer meat. Without much thought, Friday sailed to the opposite island which is now known as Buru Island. There, Friday will hunt for white deer, which according to his colleagues are on the island.

Once across, the hunt was carried out, armed with a machete and rice cooked by his wife. However, until late afternoon, the white deer he was looking for had never been seen.

If there are any, they are only deer with brownish yellow skin like deer in general. Before he knew it, he had been in the forest for two weeks, but the white deer he was hunting still didn’t show his nose.

Finally, without realizing it, Friday had been in the forest for years. He remained determined not to go home until he got the white deer.

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Seraga Found Petrified

Until one day, a king and his guards who were hunting in the forest, found a strange animal in a tree, like a person who was meditating.

After tracing it, it turned out to be a Seraga human who was almost petrified with age.

The king also ordered his guards to shave the white beards on his body. Apparently the person the king found was his body Friday.

Friday’s body had hardened due to his petrified body shape, but was intact like a hermit.

The king also ordered his guards to bury his body under a big tree and give him a tombstone. Since then, the tomb has become known as the Seraga Ancestral Tomb, as can be seen today in Kandis village.

The grave of Seraga’s ancestors is now in a fairly well-maintained condition. Right above the tomb, houses were built from wood with Malay patterns and were about two and a half meters high.

Around it you can see many tall, towering forest trees, among which rubber trees grow abundantly. Looks shady and beautiful.

Meanwhile, on the back side, there are hundreds of other tombs which also look well maintained. Since the existence of the Seraga Ancestral Tomb became known, local residents have also used part of the location as a public burial area.

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