Temawan Island Anambas

Temawan Island Anambas

For you who like snorkeling or like exploring under the sea, you must add Temawan Island Anambas is the next destination on the holiday list.

Temawan Anambas Island is famous for having beautiful coral reefs.

Has an area of ​​2.14 hectares with a coastline length of 300 meters, this tourism Temawan Island is one of the most visited destinations and favorite, especially for local tourists.

Not only that, with the charm of the beach surrounded by green trees, combined with the crystal clear sea, it makes anyone who visits Temawan Island feel at home and don’t want to go home.

Temawan Island has also received the Coral Rief Garden award from the Pekanbaru National Marine Conservation Area (LKKPN) through the Regency Water Tourism Park (TWP) Working Area (Wilker) Anambas Islands (KKA) in 2021.

It has a stretch of soft white sand and calm waves as if inviting visitors to make friends with nature. It’s not surprising that this island is often called an archipelago paradise.

Temawan Island is one of the many marine tourism destinations in the Riau Islands Province (Kepri).

From the center of Tarempa City, tourist attractions Temawan Island are quite far, because of the span of control between the islands.

This is because tourism Temawan Island is located in Batu Belah Village, East Siantan District, Islands Regency Anambas.

Even though it is classified as a distant tourist destination, upon arrival at Temawan Island, are guaranteed not to be disappointed.

On this island, you don’t only get vitamin sea. You can also do snorkeling activities and witness the charm of the very beautiful and exotic underwater world.

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What’s more unique is that to enjoy exotic coral reefs, you don’t need to see them until they jut out into the ocean, just on the shore you can see their beauty.

Chairman of KOMPAK Anambas Syahrul Hidayat explained that in this case his party is collaborating in providing creative equipment to support the attraction of visitors at the Temawan Aquatic Tourism Park (TWP).

“Thank God, we are here to support tourism activities managed by the Batu Belah Village Pokdarwis by providing complementary recreational facilities for visitors,” he said.

He mentioned, KOMPAK Community equipment tools available such as snorkeling tools, mammocks and tents.

“While other management is in Pokdarwis, such as incoming tickets, banana board rides and so on,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the caretaker of BUMDes Batu Batah, Hendri Saputra explained, a number of infrastructure facilities and facilities in Temawan Island currently said to be sufficient for tourists to access.

Facilities such as public toilets for baths, sea transportation, musala places of worship to waiting houses that provide medicines and first aid kits are also available there.

From existing infrastructure facilities and facilities, some of them are charged a fee if used by visitors.

In addition, there visitors can spend the night renting tents provided by the manager.

“There’s more, buoys that visitors can rent if they want to swim to the beach,” Hendri explained.

Hendri is spoken, at the tourist site there are three culinary stands that peddle a variety of food and drinks for visitors to consume.

“At the stand, starting from heavy foods such as grilled fish, grilled chicken, fried rice and noodles are also there. Types of local specialties such as fried luti also exist and several other types of drinks, “he explained.

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Then, the Kepri Provincial Government established a number of strategic areas, tourist destinations in Kepri Province.

This is stated in the Kepri Governor Decree (SK) Number 1263 of 2022 concerning, Tourism Destinations, Strategic Areas of Tourism and Tourist Attractions of the Province of Kepri.

Governor Ansar Ahmad said the determination was aimed at advancing the welfare of society, leveling the opportunity to try and optimize economic potential and regional characteristics.

“ As well as to elevate and protect cultural values, religion, customs, and preserve nature, ” he said.

In addition, the designation is also in the context of tourism development and development in Kepri Province.

“ Thus, it is necessary to determine the tourism area and tourist attraction so that the development carried out can be more directed, ” he explained.

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