Tanah Berdengung Cave Riau

Tanah Berdengung Cave Riau

Tanah Bedung Cave is located in Tanjung Village, Koto Kampar Hulu District, Kampar Riau Regency.

This cave is at the end of Tanjung Village. According to local people, this cave is not visited by many tourists, you know.

The existence of this cave is not widely known and is not widely spread. Therefore, to get to Tanah Bedung Cave, you have to break through the bushes and tree branches.

Because there is no path at all to get to this place. After that, you will find the mouth of the cave with a width of approximately 5 meters.

Tanah Berdung Cave consists of a limestone rock structure, with a fairly steep cave mouth. This cave is considered deep, but even without caving equipment (cave exploring) you can walk down it up to 100 meters deep.

Cave Dwelling Bats
After 20 meters down the cave, you will be amazed by the wide space that stretches across the cave. In front of it there are two passages, leading left and right.

The right direction is a dead end. Meanwhile, in the left hallway you will find a room that is not as wide as the first room.

Occasionally, the sound of bats can be heard from this place. These mammals are cave dwellers, but there are not that many of them.

It is said that in the past, Tanah Bedung Cave was a place for discussions by previous elders. This is proven by the presence of a stone in the shape of a chair in the cave.

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Now, regarding the name of the Buzzing Cave, because if you step on the surface of the cave, this cave will make a clearly audible buzzing sound.

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