Shell Hill Bintan

Shell Hill Bintan

The location of Bukit Kerang is in an oil palm plantation area owned by PT. Tirta Madu is located in the Kawal Darat area, Gunung Kijang Bintan District and is about 5 kilometers to the coastline.

Shell Hill or also known as Kjokkenmoddinger is a hill formed from piles of remaining shells or shells of molluscs that live in brackish water such as placunidae mollusks and muddy estuaries.

This type of mollusk is a mollusk that is commonly consumed by coastal communities from ancient times until now. Another effoctual found in the clam hill was a fragment of a fish’s spine.

Apart from that, several artifacts were also found around the shell hill site, such as bone gouging tools, shell tools, hammer stones, hand axes called pebbles and skull fragments.

The stone ax shows that the activities that take place in an effort to fulfill life are still very simple. Judging from their morphology and technology, humans who lived at that time can be classified as humans who supported the mesolithic culture.

Shellfish Hill provides an illustration of the existence of mesolithic and neolithic cultures. Apart from that, it also describes the distribution of shellfish hill sites as prehistoric activities on the east coast of Sumatra from the Riau Islands province to the Aceh province.

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