Senoa Island in Natuna Kepri

Senoa Island in Natuna Kepri

Indonesia has many legends or folklore countless.

From Sabang to Merauke, there are stories in each of the historic sites, including tourist attractions Senoa Island in Natuna District, Riau Islands (Kepri).

Senoa Island often attracts the attention of visitors to its lacing resembling humans.

According to visitor information, form Senoa Island unique because it resembles a sleeping person.

This unique island can be seen from Telahang Bay Tanjung Beach, Natuna District.

When viewed from Telahang Bay Tanjung Beach, you can see Senoa Island which is like a supine sleeping human.

Senoa Island, which looks like a sleeping human, can also be seen from the Alif Stone Park area, Natuna Dive Resort, or Baruk Bay Harbor.

Behind the unique form Senoa Island, it turns out there is a story of pilu that is believed to be the origin, folklore, or Legend Senoa Island.

The story about Senoa Island was obtained from a resident of Limau Manis Village, Northeast Bunguran District, Natuna District, Kepri, named Suparman (36).

He revealed, there are many versions of the legend Senoa Island. However, he remembers the story Senoa Island told by his grandfather and grandmother.

Simak folklore or Senoa Island legend from ancestors.

Legend of Senoa Island in Natuna Riau Islands

In ancient times, on the Big Bunguran Island, there was a husband and wife who lived not far from the lips of the beach.

The husband is a fisherman, while the wife is only preoccupied with homework.

However, wife fisherman it has stingy or stingy nature to neighbors.

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When a neighbor wants to borrow a handsome (a tool to clean rice), he doesn’t want to lend.

“They (husband and wife) live neighbors, but his wife is a stingy person to his neighbor, ” tutur Suparman, recalling stories from his grandparents about Legend Senoa Island.

“Even, the cheapskate, the wife fisherman this is when his neighbor borrows a slap or looks, he never lends it, ” sumparman.

Wife fisherman the miser forgot that one day he would need the help of a neighbor.

One day, the fisherman’s wife conceived, until she was pregnant.

Seconds of childbirth arrive soon. At that time, her husband was going to sea to make a living.

After fisherman returning home, he found his wife in a groan of pain about to give birth.

Then, they both asked their neighbors for help in the labor process.

However, because of the wife fisherman it was stingy and never helped a neighbor, finally no one wanted to help him.

The couple then went to find someone else’s help by crossing the ocean.

When they were about to go for help, all their belongings were brought into the canoe.

As a result, the canoe being driven is too full of cargo.

While still on his way through the ocean, the canoe that was ridden by a husband and wife sank.

The husband is gone nowhere.

Meanwhile, the wife turns into an island that looks like a human.

At present, the island of the embodiment of the miser woman is named Senoa Island.

Suparman said, there is a moral message that can be obtained from the story Legend Senoa Island.

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“ We live neighbors must get along well and help each other. As the wise man says, ‘ What is planted, then that is what is poured ’, ” concluded Suparman.

That is the story Legend Senoa Island according to the ancestors of the residents of Limau Manis Village, Northeast Bunguran District, Natuna District.

Curious where it is Senoa Island?

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