Purnama Beach Riau

Purnama Beach Riau

Purnama Beach is one of the beaches that can tempt the eye when visiting there.

Similar to Gianyar, Bali, but Purnama Beach is located in Dumai, Riau Province. Indeed, they both have the same name!

Even though they have the same name, the shape of the beach is actually different. Here, we cannot go down to the beach and enjoy the sand. This is because the full moon beach area is still muddy sand.

However, this does not reduce the enjoyment of playing and enjoying the beauty of this beach.

The huts are lined up along the beach, on a mound of land that is higher than the beach area. Various food sales are also available, ranging from coconut ice to typical beach culinary delights.

This beach area, which was previously called Tysan ​​Beach, was originally a coconut plantation owned by residents. However, over time this beach area began to be managed and turned into a very beautiful destination.

In the past, this muddy beach was not neatly arranged, but now, the rocks can be seen on the edge of the beach and they are arranged well.

In fact, in the past the local people only used the beach to anchor their canoes after returning from fishing.

It is not surprising that we include this beach area as one of the most beautiful beaches in Indonesia. We can enjoy the view of the blue sea by relaxing in the cottage, while waiting for the sunset to come.

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