Overseas Landfill Over the Clouds

Overseas Landfill Over the Clouds

Bukit Bintang not only in Mount Kidul, Yogyakarta, but also in Riau Islands Province (Kepri) more precisely in Natuna.

Who would have thought, tourist attraction Bukit Bintang who is in Ranai Mountain it is also an incline for tourists to seek tranquility while enjoying the sparkling lights of citizen settlements, street lights and even lights from long-standing vessels (fish ships) that are catching fish in the sea clearly visible.

Therefore, this tourist attraction is called Bukit Bintang because visitors as if they were in a cloud land.

If the you visit in the afternoon, you can see the expanse of forest, the beautiful high seas to the splendor of the Great Mosque Natuna.

The presence of tours Bukit Bintang warmly welcomed by Plt Head of Service Kepri Tourism, Luki Zaiman Prawira.

“ This is the time for our tourism world in Kepri, come back alive. So that, Wisman’s visit continues to increase. Please come and enjoy the beautiful natural scenery of this location, ” said as quoted Tribunjogja.com from the page TribunBatam.id.

For the sake of raving the economic wheel, the Provincial Government Kepri also establishes a number of strategic areas, tourist destinations in the Province Kepri.

This is stated in the Kepri Governor Decree (SK) Number 1263 of 2022 concerning, Tourism Destinations, Strategic Areas of Tourism and Tourist Attractions of the Province of Kepri.

Governor Ansar Ahmad said the determination was aimed at advancing the welfare of society, leveling the opportunity to try and optimize economic potential and regional characteristics.

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“ As well as to elevate and protect cultural values, religion, customs, and preserve nature, ” he said.

In addition, the designation is also in the context of tourism development and development in the Province Kepri.

“ Thus, it is necessary to determine the tourism area and tourist attraction so that the development carried out can be more directed, ” he explained.

To get there it can be accessed using two-wheeled and four-wheeled motorized vehicles about 30 minutes from downtown Ranai.

From the intersection of the Ranai City Jamik Mosque walk towards Jalan General Sudirman continue on the HR Soebrantas road.

When you reach the T-jid of Ibn Salim Mosque, Land Ranai can take the right lane continuously all the way to the waterfall Ranai Mountain.

From there continue to follow the road to the right, when meeting the mane to the left following the asphalt road, after traveling for about 15 minutes we will arrive at Bukit Bintang.

Complit Facilities

Bukit Bintang is indeed a new tourist destination on Natuna, the faciltas are not trivial.

For visitors who want to eat food, you can also order food and have a warm drink at a citizen’s cafe.

Tourist attraction manager Bukit Bintang, Aim, slowly trying to develop location facilities such as cafes, mosques, toilets and so on to meet the needs of visitors.

Aim said that, he would continue to complete the rides and infrastructure there.

“Front later we will make some icons, as a background when visitors take pictures here,” he said.

He also unsettled the public to enjoy his place of wisdom but still kept the cleanliness and comfort of other visitors.

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