Only 30 minutes from Singapore, Bintan Island has the potential to become the 'New Bali'

Only 30 minutes from Singapore, Bintan Island has the potential to become the ‘New Bali’

Bintan Island is said to have extraordinary potential to become a leading tourist destination in Indonesia.

Bintan Island , which is the largest island in the Riau Archipelago, has natural beauty that has the potential to rival even Bali.

The following factors could be proof that Bintan Island has the potential to become one of the favorite exotic island destinations in Indonesia, especially the island of Sumatra.

The first factor, judging from its location, Bintan Island is a fairly strategic area. Bintan Island is located directly opposite Singapore , and close to the Batam area.

From Bintan to Singapore it only takes around 30 minutes, likewise from Bintan to Batam it only takes 30 minutes.

Bintan Island is a very strategic area from an economic perspective because it is a shipping route for ships. Export and import goods also definitely pass through this Bintan Island route .

Not only that, Bintan Island is the main island of the Riau Islands Province because it is the administrative center of the province.

Being a strategic area, Bintan Island is also equipped with quite complete facilities. Such as ports, airports and other facilities that really support the mobilization of everyone who comes or does activities.

The second factor is that the potential of Bintan Island is considered very large.

Bintan Island is an archipelago consisting of many small islands, has a lot of tourism potential to offer Of course, Bintan Island.

There are many famous beaches that offer beautiful natural views, one of the most famous is Trikora Beach. Apart from that, many supporting facilities are being built on Bintan Island.

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Of course, it will attract lots of visitors or tourists, one of which is the plan to build an F1 circuit in Bintan. There are also plans to build stadiums, hotels and resorts to add facilities on Bintan Island.

Has The third factor that Bintan Island is that it already has its own target market. Bintan Island itself is very famous, especially for Singaporeans.

Tourists Singaporean always come to the resorts on Bintan Island because it is quite close to their country. Apart from Singapore , there are also many visitors from other cities in Sumatra, for example from the city of Medan.

From Medan to Bintan Island it only takes about 1 hour by plane. The fourth factor is that Bintan Island has great potential to attract more investors from outside.

Many large-scale investments have occurred on Bintan Island because of its enormous potential. So, investment is coming in, both from within the country and abroad.

The final factor is that Bintan Island has a unique local culture and society. The people of Bintan Island consist of various backgrounds, including Malay, Javanese and Chinese.

These are the potentials that Bintan Island has , so it is quite appropriate to even compare it with Bali Island.

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