Nirup Island, Batam, Local Tourism with International Standard

Nirup Island, Batam, Local Tourism with International Standard

Batam is an island in the Riau Islands province, a place that is rich in the newest tourist destinations for 2024 with beautiful and interesting nuances, one of which is Nirup Beach.

Indonesia is rich in diversity, rich in culture, rich in customs, rich in language, and rich in islands. One of the islands that is a pilot destination is Nirup Island. Located in Behindpadang District, this place is 8 miles or around 13 km from Sentosa Beach, Singapore.

Quoted from the page , currently Indonesia is developing green tourism that meets the aspects of consistency or sustainability. The latest tourism development for 2024 is being carried out by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and this is also in line with Law Number 10 of 2009 which discusses Tourism (Tourism Law)

The newest tourist location in 2024, Nirup Island is directly opposite Singapore. With this, there is great hope that Nirup Island can become a world green tourism magnet. Apart from that, its strategic location and dealing directly with other small islands makes it a new tourist attraction for tourists visiting Nirup Island. Both local tourists and foreign tourists.

Existing Attraction

You need to know that Pulai Nirup has an area of ​​around 47,100 square meters. Nirup Island was named by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy as green tourism that meets sustainable aspects, this is because of its excellence in managing the ecosystem on this island.

This can be proven by the well-controlled water on this island and there is not a single bit of unmanaged water.

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Apart from that, Nirup Island also has a natural destination that is still beautiful, has underwater beauty in the form of beautiful coral reefs, and is well maintained. Suitable for friends who like snorkeling and diving.

Entrance gate

In this place, there is a special terminal which is the entrance gate to Nirup Island. Apart from that, there are also two ports. The first is the newest tour for 2024 Harborbay Port, Batam, and the second can be via the port in Singapore, for local tourists you can use the first port.

Facilities on Nirup Island

Among the facilities on this island are immigration and customs, and there is also a marina that can accommodate 180 cruise ships.

This facility functions to make it easier for foreign tourists who will visit the newest 2024 Pulai Nirup tourist attraction to see its beauty. This is a different experience from getting an extraordinary waiter.

Reporting from Batam Post , this island also provides hotels, where there will be international standard dining, very luxurious, isn’t it? Apart from that, there are also villas and other facilities.

The existence of Nirup Island provides luxurious recreation which has a domino effect on the economic development of the surrounding community and the people of the Rearpadang District. Apart from that, the new tourism in 2024 will also provide new workforce absorption which can be beneficial for local residents.

Even better, this island will become a “Maldives” in the style of Batam City. This cannot be separated from the luxurious facilities available on this tour. And reportedly, this tourist attraction will officially operate as a sustainable green tourist destination until October 2024.

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So, friend, are you interested in stopping at this place? Don’t forget to prepare and bring lots of supplies, hehe. Because this place is an international luxury destination that makes Indonesia proud,

This newest tour for 2024 is very suitable for you to gather with your family or with your life partner. And the most important thing that you must remember is to maintain good manners and an attitude of caring about the environment that we must maintain, this is for the sake of sustainability and preservation of existing nature.

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