Melayu Square Culinary Area: A Legendary Place to Hang Out 2023

Melayu Square Culinary Area: A Legendary Place to Hang Out 2023

The Melayu Square Culinary Area in Tanjungpinang, which has long been a legendary hangout in the city, is now undergoing impressive revitalization by the local government.

The project is almost complete, and the results have not only made the place more colorful, but also more comfortable for visitors.

The revitalization progress of the Melayu Square Culinary Area has reached 100 percent achievement, featuring a neater arrangement and a more colorful atmosphere.

One of the most anticipated additions is the presence of pedestrian facilities with comfortable chairs for visitors who want to relax.

The Melayu Square Culinary Area was officially opened for use on November 26 2022. Since then, this place has undergone significant changes, making it even more attractive to various groups of people, especially at night.

The area is expected to become the center of greater attention, especially during holidays and weekends.

The Tanjungpinang Tourism and Culture Department stated, “Currently the physical development in the Melayu Square Culinary Area has reached 100 percent. Now everything is 100 percent, even the parking lot was completed faster than the planned schedule, namely December.”

Apart from visual improvements, the Melayu Square Culinary Area also received significant additional public facilities.

Prayer rooms, parking lots for two-wheelers and four-wheelers, public toilets and plazas are part of this transformation. All of this aims to provide a better experience for visitors who come to this area.

With the revitalization almost complete and various improvements being made, the Melayu Square Culinary Area in Tanjungpinang is now ready to become a legendary hangout destination that is more colorful and comfortable for all levels of society.

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