Tanjung Hutan Hot Springs

Tanjung Hutan Hot Springs

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This hot spring tourism has the potential to attract domestic and foreign tourists because of its strategic location. Apart from that, this tourist spot can be a destination for relaxation or to relieve fatigue due to busy urban life.

The Tanjung Hutan hot spring pool has its own beauty that cannot be found in hot springs in other areas. This charm is present because of the uniqueness of the spring water which does not contain any sulfur at all.

This uniqueness attracts many domestic and foreign tourists because they consider this hot spring pool to be like the hot spring pools found abroad. Moreover, this hot spring pool is also supported by its strategic location.

Apart from that, the view presented in Tanjung Hutan Village is also a beauty in itself for every eye that sees it. You will get a cool village view filled with coconut trees when you enter this village.

It doesn’t just stop there, you will also get other beautiful views when you enter the hot spring pool area. You will get a village atmosphere that is far from noisy when you arrive here.

The natural and unique atmosphere in Tanjung Hutan Village is something that attracts visitors to come to this village. Moreover, the hot springs released in the Tanjung Hutan bathing pool are also known to be able to cure various diseases.


The facilities provided when you visit the Tanjung Hutan Hot Springs are quite supportive. The main facilities that you will get are beautiful views of the beautiful Tanjung Hutan Village and a bathing pool that you can use for relaxation.

Apart from that, this bath also provides public areas such as prayer rooms, toilets and a rinse area intended for those of you who want to clean yourself after soaking. You will get all these facilities if you visit the hot spring pool in Tanjung Hutang Village.

Photo Hunting

The Tanjung Hutan hot springs provide a natural rural view supported by a unique village atmosphere around the hot springs area. You can make tourist attractions like this the right place to immortalize moments.

You can choose these places with views that are soothing to the eyes as the right background for your photos. Because you rarely find places like this in dense urban areas with tall buildings.

Road access

To get to Tanjung Hutan Village, you can use two routes, namely by land route and sea route. If you choose the sea route, you can take a ferry that departs from Malaysia or Singapore, a distance of 90 minutes.

You can also use a ship, speedboat or pompong to arrive at Tanjung Hutan Harbor. The cost of using a ship is not that expensive.

However, if you choose to use a speedboat or pompon, it can drain your pockets a little. Because the use of this vehicle tends to be exclusive and only intended for a few people.

Meanwhile, for the land route, you can use a motorbike taxi with a travel time of around 15 minutes after taking the sea route to arrive at Tanjung Hutan Harbor. For motorbike taxi costs, the target is usually cheap.

Opening hours

The entrance fee to the Tanjung Hutan hot spring pool has not been explained significantly. Anyone can visit this hot spring tourist pool without being hindered by entrance fees and specified times.

Tips for Vacationing

Interested in visiting the hot springs in Tanjung Hutan? If you are interested in visiting there, you can prepare some personal equipment that you might be worried about is not sold in the area around this bathing pool.

And for those of you who live far from the Riau Islands, you also have to prepare slightly more costs because accommodation costs to this place are also quite more expensive.

That was a brief review of the Tanjung Hutan hot spring pool in the Riau Islands. You can apply some of the tips mentioned in the previous paragraph. Hopefully this review can be a recommendation for your tourist destination.

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