Tangga Seribu Habibie

Tangga Seribu Habibie

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Batam is a city in the Riau Islands (Kepril, which is synonymous with the figure of BJ Habibie .

Yes, the former 3rd President of Indonesia was indeed assigned by President Soeharto to develop Batam as an industrial city.

In fact, the bridge that connects three islands, Batam, Rempang, and Galang or Barelang for short, is a trace of BJ Habibie’s legacy in Batam.

Not only that, in the Sekupang area, Batam, there is a new tourist attraction called ‘Tangga Seribu Habibie’. Because it is said that it was the former residence of BJ Habibie when he was in Batam.

Unfortunately, the building said to be where BJ Habibie lived is only rubble.

However, residents took the initiative to build a photo spot in a high area, so that visitors can take photos with the sea behind them.

Interestingly, under the Thousand Steps you can go straight to Dangas beach. So, once you enter the location, you can visit two tourist attractions.

The name Stairs of Thousands itself comes from the number of steps from that location, at a height to Dangas Beach at the bottom.

Therefore, visitors who come must prepare themselves physically when descending and climbing these stairs.

The meaning of one thousand in the name Seribu Stairs is counted as a whole, not just the stairs that go down to the beach.

However, there are more stairs in other places in this area, so if you add them up there are approximately a thousand steps.

The bonus of this tourist location is that visitors can see Singapore’s skyscrapers more clearly.

Moreover, if you celebrate New Year’s Eve here, visitors to Tangga Seribu can see fireworks displays in neighboring countries.

The location is quite shady with trees surrounding it and a gentle breeze. The Seribu Stairs Tour could be one option when on holiday to Batam.

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