Legendary Ship MV Doulos Phos

Legendary Ship MV Doulos Phos

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The legendary ship MV Doulos Phos is one of the tourist attractions in Bintan, Riau Islands. Bintan Island is indeed an exotic island which is always filled with foreigners from the Lion Country. This island is close to Singapore and is supported by luxurious resorts and hotels.

Actually, not only that, Bintan Island still has other hidden attractions. For this reason, you must be prepared to visit many tourist attractions when visiting Bintan Island because it would be a shame to miss them. Here are some tips before leaving for a trip that you need to know, including:

The first tip is to determine your tourist destination according to your wishes. If you go with friends or family, it is best to negotiate beforehand until you reach an agreement so that you can mutually enjoy the tourist attraction you are going to.

Before leaving for vacation, you should find out the information you have. Looking for this reference will make it easier for you when on holiday because you have prepared the necessary items.

Avoid carrying excess items, especially cash or jewelry. This is to avoid unwanted dangerous events. Because the possibility of crime around us could happen.

Don’t forget to bring medicine, especially if you or your family can’t bear to ride in a vehicle. Apart from that, it is also in case other unexpected things happen.

Be careful when someone offers cheap tour package prices. Various kinds of crimes are increasingly rampant, so this might happen. So you have to really pay attention to the tourist attractions and facilities provided by those offering tour packages.

Pay attention to your health condition before leaving or when traveling. Make sure you have healthy habits before going on a trip, so that you won’t fall ill when the day of your trip arrives.

Not only information about your destination, you can also look for information about nearby hotels, travel agents, maps and other information.

Apart from that, you can also go on a culinary tour with the typical food of the tourist spot you are visiting. Because each region has certain characteristics of its food and you can try them.

The legendary ship MV Doulos Phos is one of the most famous ships in the world. To be precise, this ship was quite famous when after 1 year the Titanic was built in 1914.

The ship has been refurbished before being moved to Bintan Island, where it is now part of a hotel resort located in Lagoi. The price offered by the hotel reaches 25 million in US dollars.

History of the Legendary Ship MV Doulos Phos

In the history of the legendary ship MV Doulos Phos , this ship was previously made to have several functions. These functions include being used to transport goods and immigrants and also used for cruise ships.

In 1977, this ship was only specifically used for social services, namely transporting books and knowledge to several regions in the world. But now that it’s 2009, this ship has some fond memories to share.

The legendary ship MV Doulos Phos has actually changed its name several times. The first name of this ship was Medina in 1914-1948 which was issued on August 22 1914 and was registered in the US. The second name of this ship was Roma in 1948-1952 which was registered in Panama and started to be equipped with a Fiat diesel engine.

The third name of this ship was Franca C in 1952-1977 which was registered in Italy, used as a passenger cruise liner. The last name is Doulos in 1977-present which has been registered in Malta. Actually, the name Doulos comes from Greek, which means servant.

The Doulos ship is said to have visited 293 cities in 103 different countries. The Doulos ship visit provides a bookstore, there are also conference facilities, an offshore team, an offshore team, and also provides aid programs for the cities and countries being visited.

This ship, coded 9HKF, has been used as a home for more than 350 people from 50 countries. The people who live on the ship are people who choose to serve the needs of other people.

This ship was seen heading towards Batam from Singapore and docked on Bintan Island. The owner of this ship is Eric Saw, who bought it in 2010 and it was reported that in 2013 it was still anchored in Singapore while looking for a suitable location for this 99 year old ship.

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