Kepri Yellow Bridge, Fun Tourism

Kepri Yellow Bridge, Fun Tourism

Karimun County, Province Riau Islands (Kepri) has a new tourist spot that has a view of the sunset (sunset) very pretty.

This one tourist attraction is Yellow Bridge Karimun Kepri.

This bridge is also known as the Sanur Bridge or the Leho Yellow Bridge.

Karimun Kepri Yellow Bridge is located on Leho Outpouring, Tebing District, Karimun District, Riau Islands.

You can click the address above to see the location point Yellow Bridge Karimun Kepri and the review on Google Maps.

Location Yellow Bridge be in Karimunesar Island, precisely between islands Sumatra and the Singapore and Malaysia regions.

Karimun Yellow Bridge has a length of 138 meters with a width of 1.8 meters.

The structure is curved, equipped with 24 crutches and guardrails on the left and right sides.

Yellow Bridge Karimun Kepri is able to attract local tourists to visit enjoying dusk because of the beautiful sunset views.

Residents around can take off the sticker while enjoying the beautiful sunset against the background of the sea view.

Apart from being spoiled with views of sunset at sea, residents who come can also buy food and drinks.

Usually, on weekends, there are many traders selling around Yellow Bridge Karimun Kepri.

They sell various snacks, snacks and drinks.

People who visit can enjoy the view while eating the desired snacks.

Not only profitable for tourists who come, but Yellow Bridge Karimun Kepri also brings blessings to the citizens who trade.

The economy of the surrounding citizens who trade in Yellow Bridge also increased.

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Behind the blessing Yellow Bridge Karimun, it turns out there is a fairly long development story.

A few years ago, bridge which is also nicknamed the Sanur Bridge or Yellow Bridge Leho is still not paved.

The construction was stuck because of various things.

Yellow Bridge Development Process in Karimun Kepri

Development process Yellow Bridge in Karimun County, Province Riau Islands, indeed abandoned.

However, the rebuilding process was continued in 2021 by the Provincial Government Riau Islands (Prov Kepri).

In the past, access the road to Yellow Bridge Karimun is still red soil.

Now, the road has been paved, as well as bridgehis.

In addition, sidewalks were also built on the left and right sides. This sidewalk is painted colorful, making residents happy to come.

This sidewalk also often becomes a spot of visitors to enjoy the beauty of sunset at dusk.

About nine months ago, one of the visitors made a review about Yellow Bridge Karimun.

The owner of the Upang Tan account, writes thus on the Google Maps platform, “ One of them is the yellow yg bridge as a road link in Karimun District, unfortunately until May 2022 the two sides of the road have not been paved ”.

However, not long ago, about a month ago, the owner of the Wahyu Hidayat account gave a different review.

Thus the review, “Location on the coast of the Coastal Area precisely in the Leho Outpour. The iconic bridge in Karimun, when in Batam like the 1 Barelang Bridge ”.

The “View is cool bingits, besides being able to enjoy the atmosphere of the beach also seen from a distance Mount Karimun Male and Mount Karimun Anak, ” he wrote, as quoted from Google Maps.

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“ Ahead of the day we get here the weather is very sweltering, it is recommended that we come here in the morning or evening, can enjoy sunset, ” the benefits.

Tone with residents who review Yellow Bridge on Google Maps, Task Manager (Plt) Head of Service Kepri Tourism, King Heri Mokhrizal also appreciated the government which succeeded in beautifying the government Yellow Bridge Karimun.

According to him, there are a number of public facilities that can be optimized into new tourist destinations.

He is optimistic sector Kepri Tourism has a positive impact on the welfare of the surrounding community.

“ In addition to this Karimun, there is a new (tourist), which is a pedestrian near Raja Haji Fisabillah Airport (RHF) Tanjappinang, ” said King Heri Mokhrizal.

Although development was satisfactory, about a week ago, there was another review on Google Maps that highlighted the problem on Yellow Bridge Karimun Kepri.

An account owner Rizky Dawn wrote a review praising the beauty of the scene Yellow Bridge, while complaining about rubbish.

“ Beautiful scenery in the afternoon, many salesmen around bridge. It’s just a shame that it still looks a lot of rubbish, hopefully the cleanliness can be more awake, ” he wrote, from Google Maps.

Government homework (PR) is not just rubbish. The development process seems imperfect because Yellow Bridge Karimun Kepri still minimal lighting.

To quote, Karimun Yellow Bridge is quite horrified at night.

Even, bridge this is called prone to motorists who pass through minimal lights.

The minim is lighting in Yellow Bridge also made the people who came reluctant to stop until nightfall.

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They will only hang out until the afternoon. It is hoped that the local government can immediately complete the PR on waste and lighting management in Yellow Bridge Karimun Kepri.

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