History of Education and Cultural Diversity at the Sultan Sulaiman Badrul Alamsyah Museum

History of Education and Cultural Diversity at the Sultan Sulaiman Badrul Alamsyah Museum

Tracing the footsteps of Tanjungpinang City can be done by visiting the Sultan Sulaiman Badrul Alamsyah Museum, which occupies the former building of the first primary school during the colonial era with the name Hollandsch-Inlandsche School (HIS) in 1918, which during the Japanese era was replaced with the name Futsuko Gakko.

During the independence era, this building continued to function as a People’s School and finally became SD 01 until 2004. Considering that this building has an important value for the history of the beginnings of education in Tanjungpinang, it is recommended that it be used as a Tanjungpinang City Museum with the name Sultan Sulaiman Badrul Alamsyah Museum.

The collections on display at the museum tell about Tanjungpinang, the City of Beginnings, Arts and Culture, Cultural Diversity in Tanjungpinang City, and various types of ceramics collected from Tanjungpinang and the surrounding area.

It is hoped that the Sultan Sulaiman Badrul Alamsyah Museum can become a center for cultural tourism studies, preservation and efforts to make people more aware of the noble values ​​of culture.

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