Hawaii Kijang and Bintan's Legendary Cup of Coffee Since 1969

Hawaii Kijang and Bintan’s Legendary Cup of Coffee Since 1969

Apart from offering the enchanting natural beauty of the seaside, Bintan Regency in the Riau Islands (Kepri) also has many culinary tourism options that can attract tourists to visit.

So many coffee shops have sprung up, packaged modernly to attract today’s customers. However, in some places there are still old coffee shops that survive and are still popular with customers. One of the legendary ones on Bintan Island is the Hawaiian Coffee Shop.

The Hawaiian coffee shop was founded by a resident in the Kijang area, East Bintan District in 1969. The simple looking shop building is always filled with visitors.

The black coffee at this shop is also known as O coffee, which is always served in white ceramic cups with typical Chinese ornaments.

Visitors to this coffee shop vary from local residents, tourists, and even local officials.

Origin of the Name Hawaiian Coffee

Not because the founder comes from Hawaii, or uses coffee from that state of the United States.

The name Hawaii was given by the sub-district leader, who served in the Kijang area when this shop was first opened.

At that time it was a successful time for a mining company, many officers enjoyed coffee in this shop both at breakfast and in the afternoon.

The Hawaiian shop owner does not have his own coffee plantation but instead sources coffee from Jambi.

The uniqueness of Hawaiian coffee lies in the way this dark black drink is made. The son of the founder of this coffee shop continues his father’s way of making coffee which is loved by many people.

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Coffee is mixed with water then put into a large container and stirred using a wooden spoon. How to stir it with all your strength.

The white ceramic cup is soaked in hot water, then the coffee is filtered and poured into this tiny glass. That is why the taste of this coffee is so delicious, and has not changed since the past.

Hawaiian coffee shops allow visitors to take home coffee grounds to brew at home. The shop owner charges a price of approximately $4,72 SGD per Kilogram (Kg).

The owner is not afraid that the market will decrease if he sells the coffee powder he makes. Because making coffee does not only depend on the coffee beans but also on the creativity of the maker.

Now, the Hawaiian coffee shop no longer exists because of the fire that hit this area. However, visitors can still experience the pleasures of Hawaiian coffee. Because the powder version is still sold by the shop’s successors.

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