Great Mosque of Natuna

Great Mosque of Natuna

Who does not know Taj Mahal, historical monuments in Agra, India, which is an adi of the work of Mughal (Indo-Islamic) architecture.

When visiting India, it’s not yet complete if it doesn’t stop by looking at its magnificent Taj Mahal.

Well, you know, it turns out that in Indonesia there is a mosque charming that looks like a building Taj Mahal in India.

The mosque is named the Natuna Great Mosque located in Ranai City, East Bunguran District, Natuna District, Riau Islands Province (Kepri).

The Great Mosque of Natuna is in the valley of Mount Rinnai. The mosque is also quite close to the sea, less than two kilometers (km) from the beach.

Facts of the Great Natuna Mosque in the Ranai Islands Mountain Valley

1. Built 15 years ago

The Great Natuna Mosque was built in 2007. That means, mosque it was built 15 years ago.

Magnificent mosque in Kepri it was established on an area of 15,500 square meters.

The architect in charge of designing Natuna Great Mosque named Both Sudargo.

The Great Natuna Mosque was built when Daeng Rusnadi served as Regent of Natuna Province Kepri.

2. The biggest mosque in Natuna, can be accommodated by thousands of people

The Great Mosque of Natuna is mosque the largest and grandest in Natuna Regency, Riau Islands.

Lantaran has a very large building area, Natuna Great Mosque can accommodate thousands of Muslims who want to worship.

The mosque is said to be similar Taj Mahal this is already visible if you enter the Natuna Gate Utaraku (NGU) complex.

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To head to mosque this, you must pass the entrance about 1 km from the edge of the Datok Kaya Wan Mohammad Fort highway.

It’s been overshadowed how magnificent and large Masijd Agung Natuna is, right?

3. Similarities to the Taj Mahal in India

The Great Natuna Mosque was built from a blend of Middle Eastern style architecture India.

The building absorbs various architectural models, such as Taj Mahal in India with river characteristics in the front area mosque and the existence of a tower pole mosque.

Architectural model India then combined with the architecture of the Nabawi Mosque in Medina, mosque in Cordoba, Spain, and typical Turkish stained glass carvings.

With this combination, portrait Natuna Great Mosque so resembles a building Taj Mahal in India.

Because, there is a long river with clear water that adorns the entrance to the Great Natuna Mosque.

As for both sides of the river there are entrances and exits. Then, along the shoulder of the road there are palm trees that are neatly arranged, beautifying the environment mosque.

Meanwhile, the building mosque located at the end of the river. The building looks magnificent with one main dome in green and a number of towers in each corner mosque.

At the bottom there are giant steps and gates about 7 meters high.

4. Mosque in a mountain valley near the waterfront

Location Natuna Great Mosque like a combination of mountains and sea.

The largest mosque in Natuna is in the valley of Mount Ranai, but it is also close to the waterfront.

Behind mosque, seen Mount Ranai rising steadily.

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Mountain scenery makes Natuna Great Mosque more charming.

No wonder the visiting people can feel vibe Indian Taj Mahal. What is the meaning of the word vibe? Please click here to read it.

Furthermore, distance Natuna Great Mosque only about 1.6 km from the waterfront.

If you want to see sea views, you only need to drive for about 4 minutes to arrive at the nearest waterfront.

5. The philosophy of the building of the Great Mosque of Natuna

The Great Mosque of Natuna has one main dome which is dominated by green and egg yolks, with its motif symmetrical cubism.

The entire shape of the dome surface is formed from stainless enamel material.

Building mosque square, dominated by white.

The Great Mosque Natuna also has 4 towers. Above each tower there is a small golden green ornament.

The colors in Natuna Great Mosque chosen as a symbol of the Koran.

Next, at the bottom of the main dome there are 6 smaller domes attached to symmetrical arithmetic.

These six domes are symbols of the 6 pillars of faith for Muslims.

Then, there are 12 other domes underneath.

A total of 12 domes became symbols of the date of birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which fell on 12 Rabiulawal.

Do not stop there, on the outside mosque there are 4 towers as high as 17 meters on all four sides.

The number 17 has the meaning of the number of salate rak’aat five times a day. Meanwhile, number 4 is symbolized as four friends of Rasulullah SAW or Khulafaur Rasyidin.

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They are Abu Bakr Ash-Shiddiq, Umar bin Khattab, Utsman bin Affan and Ali bin Abi Thalib.

Furthermore, when entering the building mosque, You will find 20 4×3 meter sized doors facing various directions.

A number of the 3 main doors face east, then the other 17 doors face various sides and are designed with Islamic relief motifs. There is a trellis in the middle of the door leaf.

When going inside mosque, You can also see that in the middle mosque there is a 17 meter high dome main stand with a 1 meter center line.

The pole was spiked with copper and silver slab ornaments carved around the pole.

6. Local government recommendation tourist destinatio

The Great Mosque of Natuna was often mentioned when the local government gave tourist destinations in Kepri for the community.

Task Officer (Plt) Head of the Tourism Service Kepri, King Heri Mokhrizal, so one of the parties recommended mosque this magnificent.

“ When visiting Natuna, don’t forget to stop by Natuna Great Mosque to pray and enjoy the beauty that is there, ” said King Heri Mokhrizal.

“ The view is split, religious tourism combined with the natural beauty of Mount Ranai, ” is clear.

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