Category: Travel

Kaca Puri

Kaca Puri Sports Arena (GOR), which is located on Jalan Teuku Umar, is now a historical memory for the people of Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands (Kepri). Built in 1983 by the former Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri), Soepardjo Roestam, this GOR was once a place of pride for the residents of this city. But unfortunately, currently the Kaca Puri GOR is

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Pantai Dangas Batam

Hearing its name, perhaps not many familiar Batam residents with this one beach, namely Dangas Beach. indeed this beach is very hidden, precisely in the Potam Lestari Mushroom, Sekupang. But apparently, Dangas Beach is adjacent to the resort-resort area like Sijori, Beautiful castle and Acacia and Sekupang you know! Dangas Beach is an offshore

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Pantai Pulau Tulang

Tulang Island Beach, located in Tanjung Hall Karimun District, Karimun County, Riau Islands (Kepri), is well known among tourists. However, mystical stories turned out to start the story from this beach. In the past, it was said that this beach was the location of buried – native corpses, which had fallen in war by Dutch soldiers. This story makes

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Adrenalin Spur in Bintan Wake Park

Here comes the paradise of water activity fans! Exploring underwater beauty, or doing fun activities on water, can all be done there. Especially if it's not in the Bintan Islands. Well, not just snorkeling or diving ria. There, we can also try spectacular rides, namely Bintan Wake Park. Bintan Wake Park is a wakeboarding facility, which is a

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Seeing Grouper Fish Cultivation in Bintan

If it is plaque to the Bintan Islands in the Riau Islands (Kepri), it is incomplete if it does not go along a tourist attraction that displays community empowerment. One of them is the broom fish cultivation. On Bintan Island, this cultivation is in the village of the Bintan Bay sub-district. Rug Island or also called Rug villages I, II and III,

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Pantai Bale-Bale Batam

Bale-Bale Beach is quite famous in Batam Riau Islands (Kepri). Because of this, the exact beach in Nongsa District, Batam turned out to be a favorite tourist target for mancanegara tourists you know! Apart from asri, this beach also has other attractions, namely as the location of art and culture, making the Bale-Bale beach, always crowded with tourist

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Air Terjun Batu Kampar

Enjoying a waterfall while soaking in a bathing pool? Is that possible? Yes you can! So, don't miss a holiday to Batu Kampar Waterfall. This waterfall is one of the waterfalls in Lingga district, Riau Islands Province (Kepri), precisely in Batu Kacang village, Singkep sub-district. This exotic location itself is about 10 meters from the city center of

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Pulau Langok

Like a blue carpet paradise, the Anambas Islands in the Riau Islands (Kepri) never fail to provide natural beauty, in the form of Indonesian maritime world-famous. One of the marine tourism destinations in the Anambas Islands is Langok Island. Maybe it's not very familiar to some people, but this island is very interesting to visit. Apart from the

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