Category: News

You can travel to Bintan Resort via Batam

Traveling to Bintan Resorts, Lagoi, Bintan Regency, Riau Islands Province is now easier and more comfortable. The only complete tourist attraction in Bintan Regency, is now equipped with a new sea transportation route (speed boat) from Telaga Punggur port, Batam City directly to Bandar Bentan Telani (BBT) port in the Bintan Resorts area. This route

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The charm of Alif Stone Park

NATUNA - Regency Natuna in the province Riau Islands (Kepri) has many nature tours that are worth a visit, one of which is unique natural tourism Alif Stone Park. Travel Alif Stone Park was once chosen as the most popular unique tour in Indonesia in the 2018 Indonesian Enchantment Award (API) event. The location of Alif Stone Park is on the Sepempang

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Side Beach Enchantment in Natuna Riau Islands

Vacation preparation usually starts from determining the destination. If you have determined where to go, you can immediately arrange accommodation and budget funds. Well, if you intend to visit Natuna, Riau Islands (Kepri), Side Beach you must connect. Sisi Beach is located at Kampung Genting, Sernan District, Natuna District, Riau Islands. You

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Klenteng Ngo Hu Xian Ko Kian in Karimun Kepri

Fortress is a place of worship for followers of traditional Chinese or Confucian beliefs. Like mosques, churches, pura, wihara, and other places of worship that are generally open to anyone who wants to stop by, the fortress is the same. You are in the Province Riau Islands (Kepri) or who want to visit Kepri, can stop by Klenteng Ngo Hu Xian Ko

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