Category: News

Measuring Batam for Culinary Business

Batam is an industrial area and urban community that is also multi-ethnic. The proximity to Singapore and Malaysia also influences the lifestyle of the people. This condition is a consideration for Indonesian culinary business players. Grerard Smit, CEO of Ismaya Group, said that Batam's lifestyle is very different from other cities, including Jakarta,

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Kepri Flying Adventure Tourism

Kepri Provincial Government in collaboration with flybest Aviation called the activity "Kepri Flying Adventure Tourism " or aerospace tourism 2023 by exploring tourism from the air. "We fully support this activity as a pillar of Kepri's aerospace tourism," said Acting Head of the Kepri Tourism Office, Hery Mokhrizal in Tanjungpinang, Saturday. He

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Bintan reopens mini zoo

The Bintan Regency Government, Riau Islands Province (Kepri), has reopened a mini zoo as a place for recreation and education for the public since it closed in 2018. Bintan Regent Roby Kurniawan said that this mini zoo had not been operating for almost five years due to several problems. However, thanks to the persistence of the district government

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Basing Island a new tourist attraction

The Tanjungpinang City Government, Riau Islands Province (Kepri) through the Culture and Tourism Service (Disbudpar) has made the Basing Island fort cultural heritage site a new tourist attraction in the area. "Every cultural heritage has the potential to become a tourist destination. Basing Island has history and beautiful natural scenery," said Head

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