Category: Food & Drink

Rujak Maharaja, Fresh Typical Riau Culinary

Bored with shaved rujak or crushed rujak? It's time to taste the typical Maharaja rujak from Riau Province. This culinary dish is unique and different from other rujak. Rujak Maharaja itself is often used as a snack for the people of Riau. Moreover, this culinary dish is served cold, so it is very suitable to be enjoyed in the afternoon. The

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Tempoyak, Fermented Durian

Have you ever heard of the name Tempoyak? In Lingga Regency, Riau Islands (Kepri), this name is of course familiar. Tempoyak is a typical culinary dish that has been around for a long time in Lingga. Tempoyak is made from fermented durian so it has a strong aroma and distinctive taste. Tempoyak is generally mixed as a spice and seasoning for chili

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Hunt Seafood on the Beach, Malay Square

Malay Square is a popular culinary center in the city of Tanjung Pinang Islands Riau (Kepri). This place was never lonely visited by culinary connoisseurs, the solemn young-mudi. Usually, this place is more crowded visited on Saturday night or Sunday afternoon. Apart from being the culinary center of the city of Tanjappinang, Malay Square is also an

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Delicious Kampar Typical Fish Kuabu

In Kampar District, Riau Province, there are traditional culinary preparations that are no less delicious with expensive restaurant menus. Yes, the main ingredient of this cork fish is called Kuabu Fish. Interestingly, cork fish will burn until cooked, and flush with a typical seasoning. There is a mixture of coconut milk, red chili, shallots, salt

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