Category: Destinations

Wihara Dharma Shanti Bintan Kepri

Vihara Dharma Shanti or Vihara Dharma Santi which is located on Jalan Permaisuri, Tanjung Uban Selatan, Bintan North District, Bintan Regency , Riau Islands Province (Kepri) is a place of worship for Buddhists as well as a tourist destination. You can see the location of the Dharma Shanti Vihara via Google Maps. This temple has a unique large gold

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Wihara Avalokitesvara Graha

Wihara Avalokitesvara Graha place of worship or Vihara Avalokitesvara Graha is a Buddhist located on Jalan WR Supratman Kilometer (KM) 14, Air Raja Village, Tanjungpinang City , Riau Islands Province (Kepri). You may see the location of the Avalokitesvara Graha Vihara via Google Maps. This monastery is special because it is said to be one of the

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Setumu Beach

There is a destination that is 10 minutes from Sri Bintan Pura Harbor. That is Setumu Beach which has dozens of huts made from pieces of wood with thatched roofs arranged neatly in a row facing the beach. Yes, this beach in Tanjungpinang is a favorite tourist destination. Especially for residents who live on Bintan Island (Tanjungpinang-Bintan

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Kepri Flying Adventure Tourism

Kepri Provincial Government in collaboration with flybest Aviation called the activity "Kepri Flying Adventure Tourism " or aerospace tourism 2023 by exploring tourism from the air. "We fully support this activity as a pillar of Kepri's aerospace tourism," said Acting Head of the Kepri Tourism Office, Hery Mokhrizal in Tanjungpinang, Saturday. He

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