Camping in Gema Village Riau
If you want to enjoy beautiful rural nature, come to Gema Village, Kampar Kiri District, Riau.
The natural panorama is stunning, the expanse of green grass next to shady forests and clear rivers are unforgettable main dishes.
Indeed, Gema Village is located in the middle of Riau – West Sumatra (Sumbar). Gema Village is a very suitable destination for camping.
How could it not be, Gema Village has a very beautiful panorama. There is also a small river here, which residents usually use for transportation.
Meanwhile, the green natural landscape also calms the surrounding weather, so we can have a picnic while enjoying nature without fear of the hot sun.
Getting to the Gema Village camping site is quite far and difficult. Access to Gema village is quite difficult.
But all of that will be paid off by the beauty presented at the Gema Village Camping Ground.
For those of you who are looking for a place to camp with friends, or just enjoy the natural scenery away from the noise of vehicles, Gema Village could be a destination you should visit.
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