Batu Tumpuk Tiga

Batu Tumpuk Tiga

Batu Tumpuk Tiga

Batu Tumpuk Tiga is one of the interesting and widely visited tourist icons of the Anambas Islands. To be precise, you can see this phenomenon in the center of Tarempa City, Riau Islands, Indonesia.

These stones were deliberately left arranged like that in accordance with instructions from the Anambas Islands Regency Government. By not changing the initial position, it is hoped that a number of these rocks will have a high selling value because they have beautiful artistic value.

Apart from that, this can also be used as an interesting tourist attraction like now. Its location on the beach, precisely on the side of the Selayang Panjang (SP) bridge makes this stone stand out in the eyes of many tourists. The abstract piles and naturally formed reliefs make this tourist icon look catchy and unique.

The rows of green trees also complement its beauty and add a fresh impression. Imagine if there were no plants or shady trees, the first impression that would be seen would be that it is barren because as far as the eye can see there are only piles of large rocks. The presence of shady trees eliminates all that impression and adds to the attraction.

Facilities at Batu Tumpuk Tiga

Several public facilities can be reached easily from Batu Tumpuk Tiga. You will not find the sight of someone urinating carelessly because the cleanliness of this place is always maintained, plus there are many toilets available to accommodate this natural need.

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Then, you don’t need to feel anxious when you are hungry because there are many choices of restaurants or places to eat that offer many delicious and appetizing menu choices. However, don’t be mistaken if you are confused about choosing because there are so many places to eat and food menus available.

Apart from that, if you plan to stay longer in the Riau Islands, several alternative accommodations can help you. Starting from hotels, resorts, inns, to people’s homes, they are available at prices that don’t drain your wallet.

Access to the road to Batu Tumpuk Tiga

You can reach Batu Tumpuk Tiga by riding a small boat. After getting off the ship, you only need to walk a little to get there. If you still encounter difficulties, you can ask local residents who are friendly and generally willing to take you to your tourist destination.

Opening hours and entrance ticket prices to Batu Tumpuk Tiga

You are not required to pay a certain price to enjoy this tourist icon. However, to get there, you will pass several other tourist attractions that require an entrance ticket.

It’s not much different, you can just rest or take photos with the stacked stones in the background from 08.00 in the morning to 16.00 in the afternoon. Therefore, make the most of your time, don’t miss any beauty while you are there.

Tips for Vacationing in Batu Tumpuk Tiga

Some of the following tips might help you while you are in Batu Tumpuk Tiga.

Protect the environment around tourist icons. You are not allowed to touch the rocks, let alone climb to the highest peak of the rock. This is in accordance with the Government policy that has been agreed with the aim of preserving the artistic value of this pile of stones.
Give someone else a turn. The beauty of this tourist icon really makes tourists feel at home for a long time just to take photos or just appreciate the beauty of the enchanting relief formations.
If you bring small children, don’t be careless to supervise them. This area is very interesting, especially as a play area for children. However, strict supervision is needed to avoid undesirable things.
Keep well. Because this place must be reached on foot, you must be fit and healthy to get to this place.

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Apart from that, it is also to avoid stone breakers who have reportedly been targeting this unique tourist icon for a long time to change its shape with certain carvings or simply break the stone for unacceptable reasons.

However, don’t let this stop you from stopping other visitors from taking photos or doing something similar. Take photos and enjoy enough and provide the same opportunities as other visitors.

It is natural that small children do not know the unwritten rules like adults. Therefore, the minimum thing you have to do is tell them to be careful and not damage the pile of stones.

That’s a brief review of Batu Tumpuk Tiga. In addition, it is reported that the Anambas Islands Regency Government will fence off this tourist icon to protect it from unwanted things. The addition of a fence around it seems to emphasize that this tourist icon in the form of rocks is truly protected.

However, you and other tourists are still allowed to just take photos or enjoy it as long as you don’t do anything detrimental.


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