Batamindo Industrial Park: A Hub for Global Businesses in Batam

Batamindo Industrial Park: A Hub for Global Businesses in Batam

Batamindo Industrial Park stands tall as a pioneer in Batam’s industrial landscape.

Established in 1990 through a bilateral economic cooperation agreement between Indonesia and Singapore, this 320-hectare park has transformed into a haven for multinational corporations (MNCs).

Strategic Location 

Batamindo’s prime location offers undeniable advantages. Situated just 8 kilometers from Batam City, 20 kilometers from Hang Nadim Airport, and 18 kilometers from Batu Ampar Port, it provides seamless access to transportation networks and logistics.

This strategic positioning makes it an ideal base for businesses seeking efficient production and global connectivity.

Solid Infrastructure 

Beyond its location, Batamindo boasts a robust infrastructure that empowers businesses. Reliable power generation, water and waste treatment facilities, efficient telecommunication systems, and sanitary systems form the backbone of the park’s operations.

Firefighting and medical facilities ensure safety and well-being, while on-site estate management guarantees smooth operations.

Work-Life Balance

Sustainability is a key pillar of Batamindo’s philosophy. The park implements responsible waste management practices and promotes eco-friendly initiatives.

Recognizing the importance of a well-rounded life for its workforce, Batamindo offers thoughtful amenities. These include recreation facilities, catering to the well-being of employees and fostering a positive work-life balance.

Total Business Solutions

Batamindo goes beyond simply providing land. It positions itself as a one-stop shop for businesses. Tenants benefit from comprehensive support services, including business registration assistance and navigating regulatory processes.

This commitment to streamlining operations allows companies to focus on core business activities and achieve sustainable success.

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MNC Community

Batamindo has earned the moniker “MNC Park” for a reason. It houses a multitude of international brands from various industries, fostering a dynamic and collaborative environment.

This concentration of established companies creates a valuable network for businesses to connect, share knowledge, and explore potential synergies.

A Legacy of Growth

Batamindo Industrial Park’s story is one of continuous development. With a commitment to providing a cost-competitive and globally connected environment, the park remains a magnet for businesses seeking a strategic foothold in Southeast Asia.

As Batam’s industrial landscape continues to flourish, Batamindo is certain to retain its position as a premier destination for international investors.

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