Batam wants to become a health tourism destination city

Batam wants to become a health tourism destination city

Mayor of Batam, Riau Islands Muhammad Rudi wants Batam to become a health tourism destination for domestic and foreign tourists.

While attending seminars and regional deliberations (musda) of the Hospital Pharmacy Seminar Association (Hisfarsi) and Community Pharmacy Seminar Association (Hisfarma) of the Regional Management of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (PD IAI) Riau Islands, Rudi in Batam, Sunday said that currently his party is intensively increasing infrastructure development in all sectors, including in the health sector.

“I want Batam to become a health tourism destination. Health tourism is a trip that focuses on medical care and the use of health services, or a tourist trip that utilizes the use of medical services,” said Rudi.

For this reason, Rudi invited all parties to maintain solidarity and unity in advancing health infrastructure and services.

“So in the future, people for treatment will come to Batam. To make all this happen, we all need the cooperation. For me, the health sector is number one,” he said.

Rudi further explained that his party was intensively building airports, ports, main roads and special health economic areas.

According to him, the health sector in Batam is not yet perfect, so it must continue to be improved until it becomes a mainstay for the health sector.

“Let’s complement each other, so that Batam becomes modern. If Batam is good, people will come, including in the health sector,” said Rudi.

As previously reported, the Batam City Government, Riau Islands is committed to strengthening family health and balanced nutrition programs in every posyandu.

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Batam City Regional Secretary Jefridin Hamid in Batam, Tuesday, said this was one of the Batam City Government’s efforts to carry out community health development and make it easier for people to obtain basic health.

“This is the commitment and policy of the Batam City Government to give birth to toddlers and prepare our children for the demographic bonus, the golden generation in the 100th anniversary of Indonesia’s independence in 2045,” said Jefridin.

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