Air Sena Village, Napoleon Cultivation Location in Anambas

Air Sena Village, Napoleon Cultivation Location in Anambas

The Riau Islands (Kepri) are still mostly inhabited by Sea Tribe people, namely those who predominantly live on the coast, one of which is the Anambas Islands.

In Anambas, there is a village called Air Sena Village, where the majority of residents come from the Laut tribe, ethnic Chinese, ethnic Chinese Dayak and also Indigenous Iban Dayak.

Air Sena Village has the Floating Keramba tourist attraction, which is the largest in Anambas.

This village is called Sena water, because there are many Sena trees in this area.

In the past, based on stories handed down from generation to generation, this village was founded by only eight people, and still had a lot of forest area.

After the arrival of the Dayak Iban Tribe and the native Sea Tribe, this village began to have a large population of up to hundreds of families.

Some people use the traditional Mesuku language to communicate between residents.

The majority of the livelihoods of Air Sena Village are fishing and floating cage fishermen.

There are also those who garden, but only 2 percent of the population does gardening.

The income of the people of Air Sena Village depends on the export of live fish, such as grouper and napoleon fish.

The Hong Kong ship, which is commonly referred to by residents, is one form of transportation for selling live fish directly from Hong Kong.

Benefits of Sena Tree
The benefits of the sena tree are as a medicine for various diseases.

The method is to drink dew from the Sena tree to those who need treatment.

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This tourist village also has a stunning charm. Namely, it has natural beauty, there are many trees that create a shady natural atmosphere.

Apart from that, residential areas are located right on the beach, which has become a special tourist spot for tourists.

Apparently, thousands of napoleon fish cultivated by local fishermen are also waiting to be visited by tourists, as witnesses to the glory of the Anambas fishermen.

Napoleon is a type of reef fish with the largest body size from the Labridae family.

This is a coral fish that generally has a light colored body. The Latin name is Cheilinus undulatus or called humphead Maori wrasse.

Local people know Napoleon as the ketipas fish.

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