Air Sena Village

Air Sena Village

Air Sena Village is a village located in the Anambas Islands. In this case, the majority of the village is the Laut tribe, Chinese, Chinese Dayak and also the native Iban Dayak found in this village. while the religions adhered to by some people in this village are Catholicism and Buddhism.

In ancient times, this village was founded by 8 people and also had sea tribes and Iban Dayak. Once upon a time, this village was a forest area. Next there is life after the arrival of the Dayak Iban tribe and the indigenous Sea Tribe. This village is called Air Sena because there are many sena trees in this area.

The benefits of the sena tree are as a medicine for various diseases. In this case, the treatment is to drink dew from the sena tree and then people will recover and be healthy.

The Enchanting Beauty of Air Sena Village

This tourist village has a stunning charm, namely it has natural beauty. This village is still touched by western habits. So there are lots of trees that provide shade and a feeling of eternity.

However, most of the population comes from sea tribes. It is not certain when these tribes appeared, what is certain is that they have lived for a long time. However, the beauty of this village is really great.

Facilities at Air Sena Village

facilities available There are not many in this village. This is because this village is far from the hustle and bustle of urban areas, so this village is still changing little by little to become a more modern village.

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In order to pursue education, the residents of this village, especially the youth, must leave Air Sena village . so that it can change the fate of villages that are far from modernization. In fact, recently the younger generation has begun to exodus out of the district from this area.

History of Air Sena Village

Air Sena village originates from the sea tribe, also known as the sea people. They live in the Riau Islands, Indonesia. To be precise, in Anambas, these are called sea people because they also generally work as fishermen.

The language of seafarers is pirates, which means pirates, or also referred to as pirates or also referred to as strait people. Historically, sea people also played an important role in the Sriwijaya kingdom, namely the Malacca Sultanate and the Johor Sultanate.

Photo Hunting in Air Sena Village

Apart from that, if you want to know the condition of this village, you can visit this village. While taking fun photos with beautiful and cool views, the result still feels cool and also far from crowds and air pollution.

Air Sena village has lots of sena trees, therefore you can take photos around these trees. So you can enjoy the coolness and enchanting beauty.

Access to the road to Air Sena Village

Accessing this trip is by taking a good road. The government has provided funds for villages that were previously untouched by many people.

So this village can be said to be a village that has rapid development. Because when teenagers used to go to school they had to leave the village. This is because they can make progress and think like city people without abandoning the culture found in this village.

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Opening hours and entrance ticket prices to Air Sena Village

In this village, many people visit this area. This is because the cultural characteristics are so strong, namely the heritage of the Srivijaya kingdom is also included. Anytime you can visit this village. without you having to pay a penny. This is because this is a common village for anyone who wants to live here.

For those of you who want to travel to this village, it’s best to be in the morning. This is so that you can enjoy the enchanting beauty. However, if you want to come at night or in the afternoon, you should look for accommodation in local residents’ houses.

Tips for Vacationing in Air Sena Village

It’s best if you go on holiday to this village with a few tips, namely by inviting your family and also inviting friends or others. It’s also a good idea to bring food and drinks according to your taste. This is because in this village there is not as much modern food as in big cities in general.

Air Sena Village is one of the tourist attractions in the Riau Islands, especially in Anambas. This happened due to preservation by the government in the Riau area so that it could be exposed.

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