Agrowisata Poyotomo
The rice field agrotourism in Poyotomo offers the beauty of cool rice fields with a village feel.
A number of pavilions for relaxing are also offered there.
Visitors can also enjoy eating the farmers’ harvest and find out about the rice harvesting process and the packing process for the harvested rice.
This tourist spot can be reached by motorbike and car.
Apart from being sprinkled with luxury resorts, super exotic beaches, accommodation on the sea. The Poyotomo Rice Fields tourist attraction is something new for tourism in Bintan Regency, which is better known as marine tourism.
This rice field agrotourism was officially launched in Bintan. The rice harvest is the highlight of the joyous event. As well as the signing of an MoU between Baznas and the Poyotomo Makmur Farmers group in the Farmers Group’s rice fields, Sri Bintan Village, Teluk Sebong District, Bintan Regency.
This harvest harvested the Impari 42 rice type which can adapt to the climate and was first planted with a planting period of 90 days.
The potential for Poyotomo Agrotourism rice field tourism is an addition to the Regional Government’s data collection. A number of rice fields located between residential areas and the foot of Mount Bintan which stands majestically will be studied for their suitability to become contemporary tourist spots.
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