Wayang Cecak, Accompanied by Drums and Accordians

Wayang Cecak, Accompanied by Drums and Accordians

Wayang Cecak is a type of oral tradition art on Penyengat Island, Tanjung Pinang, Riau Islands (Kepri).

Nowadays, Wayang Cecak is increasingly recognized for its existence, taking the form of oral literature through the medium of wayang.

This art is an acculturation between Chinese culture and Malay culture. Wayang Cecak is performed using hand puppets, which are made from patchwork.

The hand puppet is played and moved by the puppeteer’s hands from behind, in a box measuring 2×3 meters.

This art contains a philosophy of life. Life will be depicted in wayang characters.

Where, this art aims to convey character education to children, in an attractive and simple form.

Like other puppets. In wayang characters, some are depicted as having good characters.

There are also those who are depicted as having less good characters. These are the life values ​​that we can absorb in life.

In the past, Wayang Cecak was an art that was performed for certain groups and was not commonly performed in society.

Until the 1940s, the only puppeteer who performed Wayang Cecak on Penyengat Island was a puppeteer, named Khadijah Terung.

Poems from Siti Zubaidan to Engku Putri

Wayang Cecak plays are played in various titles. Such as the poetry of Siti Zubaidah, the story of Hang Jebat, the story of Engku Putri, Selindung Delima, and others.

Siti Zubaidah’s poetry. Tells the story of the journey of Zainal Abidin, the son of Sultan Darmawansyah, until he met Siti Zubaidah, whom he proposed to at the end of the story.

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As for the duration of the Wayang Cecak performance, it usually lasts between 10 and 90 minutes.

It turns out that the Puppet Cecak Show is also shown, with musical accompaniment from violins, drums, accordions and gongs that plays until the story ends. Of course, this music is very closely related to Malay culture.

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